Research & Develop
Easy-to-use Diagnostic Tests
We believe it is better to have an easy-to-use diagnostic test for early detection rather than a cure

Developing Epidemic & Pandemic Disease Diagnostic Platform
We believe that rapid and accurate diagnosis can save lives by facilitating early treatment, save money by preventing inappropriate treatment, prevent epidemics by minimizing viral transmission, and improving surveillance with additional early infection detection could provide additional protection and prevention for the health and safety of this essential national workforce.

Preclinical Laboratory Services
Our laboratories are built around an in-depth understanding of immunology and inflammatory processes. We can assist programs at the early stage screening, test item pharmacology, and efficacy assessment, as well as the later translational stages, by providing both in-vitro and in-vivo models.

Diagnostic Tests
Traditional gene sequencing technology has lost information such as the spatial location, pathology, and histological characteristics of genes, and this information plays an indispensable role in scientific research exploration and clinical diagnosis. Therefore, we focus on the development and application of spatial omics technology, with in-situ gene sequencing and in-situ detection as its core technical means, focusing on the dimensions of spatial location to reveal the spatial and sequence information of life molecules (DNA, RNA, Protein, etc.)